I do remember...when I first started getting my feet wet with computers I was intimidated. Har! har! I even wanted to enroll myself to a computer school but my time curtailed me from doing so, besides I was thinking of just saving the money for something more important. I just one day sat down...in front of it...with a note from my dau on how to switch it on first then everything follows to a T. From then and onwards, I learn something new...step by step and every other details of the computer, the copy-pasting, the uploading and many more. And it feels great. Like a real pro, though I still consider myself a caramba or a preppy...at least I can shout to the whole world that everything is really going great for me. And now am hitting my 2004rth post tonight...err this morning. Really great the feeling. My enjoyment is superb. I am making every effort to get the upper hand and am proud of it. But do you believe am still on my oh-forgive-me blogger's blog? I hated it when I do post some music videos...it means am on a lull...just to make a filler.
I don't know why I am so yet to be inspired...but I am indeed inspired 'coz someone is making me one nowadays. Or maybe I am just sidetracked...lol...but I do love blogging and won't get ever tired of doing this forever. It's just that sometimes it's kinda ehem...laziness strikes...well I am only human, wow...so stereotyped alibi. Forgive me there...
But hey I am so proud my Cakes and Ale has reached its 2004rth post no matter what...and I will always love this thing called blogging...