Friday, May 18, 2007

Of love lost and healing broken heart...

Whenever one falls out of love, one sure-fire to get over is healing the broken-heart. Yes...healing and not sulking, or brooding. What to do now, is...let's say you rekindle your old friendship that has been kept for a while or let say you've neglected in favor of him. Am sure they're still there for you. And talking about true friendship, one that will endure, no matter what, or come what may season.They'll just stay there and will always be there for you during your trying days.Be them to be with you for dinner or just get together for a coffee-talk, or maybe spending a day or two on the beach. Or maybe not the least, you can parlay your sadness into a more productive things like, making a collage...making a scrapbook, or rearranging your can also paint..whatever you wish can help you make a quick maneuver.
After a while things will change and you will soon find the best reason why things like this happened...and to all we've been and all it becomes. We should see things more be able to move on. Cause really, life has to move on no matter what and how we feel...

As Dolly Ann once said and I quote..."We have to get order to find ourselves!"