For life is not just about how we will live comfortably, or just about the good and the pleasurable things life may bring us, as we all hope it to be. But it's how we deal with rough roads, molehills and even the mountains each of us will have to trudge as we go through life; with a lot shimmying when edges are sharp, while others can go cherry-picking. But what is important is to be armed with great deal of faith and courage to face life's trial head on...
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Taking time out to relax...& get that pain off!
I am addicted to this new Thermo-Accupressure Therapy, a new concept on medical device that uses chiropractic principles. It has a tourmanium ceramics that produces mystical far-infrared rays. Also with moxibustion and finger pressure therapeutics. It is a bed actually. It simply eases those sciatic back pains. Do check it out!!!