Monday, March 1, 2010

A legacy that will live on and on...

We are the world! is a legacy to all from Michael Jackson's aim to aid Africa during that time when he was composing this. Artists all gathered together for free on same purpose to help those who suffered and still is in Africa. Now they are standing again shoulder to shoulder using this song for Haiti...and comes Chile who is facing the same agony after an 8.8 shake recently. It is really very devastating to see some people suffering from such kind of catastrophic event that turned everything into shambles. Supplication and scores of helping hand is all what it needs to be able to stand again from all of these.

This song is a revival of the original MJ and Lionel Richie's collaboration done in the privacy of MJ's home, particularly in MJ's room where it's done mostly in haste to aid Africa. Both laughed, goofed, but with strong passion to make a song that will uplift the nation in suffering. But because of their great talent it went out beautifully and LR gave full credit to MJ saying it was MJ who did most of the song. It was so humble of him and in all honesty has saluted Michael's great talent not only as a total performer but also as a composer.

As a self-confessed MJ fanatic, I couldn't help but miss my idol in his permanent absentia and good thing they gave his part in this cut. It is somehow to give the composer his due credit and respect as well. Very nice indeed of that new video. Now I just hope some people out there to ruin MJ as a person rehashing some old issues against him would stop. Those issues were never proven true. Why in heaven's name that some people still out to ruin a dead man's reputation? I believe they should give him respect while he's now on his final sleep and would not be able to defend himself much like when he was still alive. He's just a product of smear and media hype and hooplas. Just a mere wet blanket! Whether they accept this or not Michael Jackson had lived to entertain people via his great talent no one can ever replicate.

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