I myself being a coffee fiend, to keep me awake functionally if I wanted to...consume 2-3 cups a day...the most is four but over and above I think having 5 cups a day is unhealthy to consider. When it comes to coffee you'll have one thing in mind...
Starbucks. And if you hear Starbucks, one may have second thought, why because of the cost. I'd rather buy a bag of 12 packets and boil fresh water and make myself an easy one and sit down in front of my tv set and voila! But sometimes it's nice to sit at Starbucks with your friends or loved ones and enjoy the aroma with some chit chat. It's different when you see some perky baristas doing their own way of preparing your coffee. But what annoys me is when you say you want coffee, they'd go
"Coffee latte, Cappuccino Au Lait, Cafe Mocha or Americano?" Huh?! What's that again? "
With milk, non fat or full cream?"...huh again?
"With white sugar, brown sugar, mascuvado or sweetener?" Huh?! Wheew! "
Hot or cold?" "With frap or ice-blended coffee?" Waaah.... grabe namang pagka-personalized ng coffee na yan! Just give me a cup of fresh brewed coffee, I don't care if it's Arabica or Robusta! Another grrrrr. Huhuhu...just get me a cup of coffee, lol! Kainis minsan kasi 5 years [joke lang] bago mo mahawakan ang cup of coffee mo. But all in all, we cannot argue how patok this coffee shops today. There are other choices like
Figaro or
Mocha Blends, and
Pancake House also offers their own coffee style with their signature pancakes along.
Btw, not everyone of us knew a lot about people behind Starbucks I think. I've learned about this when I made an early reservation and bought airfare tickets from now a friend
Buds Balongkit. One travel adviser/staff is a sister of
Miss Mercedes M. Corrales,
present CEO & COO of Starbucks Coffee Japan, Ltd. Whoah, ang galing di ba?! Sayang, I'd been there pero di ko pa siya na-meet, if only I had known earlier from Buds...nag-Starbucks pa naman kami sa Nagoya Centrair while passing time, waiting for my flight home...sigh [dapat noon ko pa ito ipinost as promised but been so busy.] Wow, we should be very very proud of her. She's able to build a name by the sweat of her brow...and I can truly say it was a complete break through. A very successful Filipina in the real sense of the word. They carry their first commandment of Business which goes,
"Love your customers.", ang ganda di ba? Sana lahat ng business yan ang policy at motto. According to my friend, as of now daw po ay Asia-Pacific na ang post ni ma'am, wow, promotion yun di ba? Mas tumindi pa. Kudos po talaga sa success nyo, unstoppable...good karma and because of sipag at dedication sa work talaga and reason behind!
The first Starbucks location outside North America opened in Tokyo, Japan, in 1996. We all know that Japan is a tea drinker country but still they manage to penetrate the country's strict preference when it comes to food and drink. They chose healthy diet but Japanese are open to such new offer. Not that coffee is not healthy but I think it's otherwise compared to milk that has calcium and other vitamins in it! Sa ngayon, pag di ka nag-Starbucks di ka in.
PS/**Some time in the past, Starbucks stores and products was boycotted because it is alleged that Starbucks sends part of its profits to the Israel Defense Forces, something Starbucks refutes. This allegation is apparently based on a spoof letter published on an anti-Zionist website. But again, we do not know the truth behind this story.
Some info's extracted from Wikipedia