Friday, November 7, 2008

The period of change...

The coming transition is really the event to watch all over the world. And one of the world's most important and powerful person to be in the history of America will now soon emerged as the new triumphant leader to watch. Bush just expressed his hope that the enemy won't use the near transition of power to exploit and hurt American people. Of course we all know that in his term he showed guts and strong determination to destroy people by all means who have had in any manner tried to ruin the state. Who would ever forget the September 11 tragedy? I myself had been so crashed upon seeing the two towers all aflame when the plane not one but two hit it on target by those suicidal terrorists. The act was so brutal and unimaginable that almost annihilated the whole city into loud mournings for the sudden and unexpected loss of loved ones. It was one of the most horrible things done ever that killed thousands of innocent people. But those are only sad memories now of the past cruelty...and now with Obama leading the whole of America, we are looking forward to how he could make it more better without putting the democratic rights and values in jeopardize against the possible sprouting of the new terroristic group in the offing. But let us now stop praying that in time they'd come to realize that evilish act doesn't make them the strongest and the most powerful people but only will put them into greater condemnation in heaven and here on earth too.

Let's all wait and see how is it with Obama at the helm.
Peace on earth and to everyone regardless of what beliefs we do have and embrace...

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  1. I saw you label your post world peace. So what is barack plan about the war in Iraq? Do you call it world peace? From what I heard, he does not have any plan on withdrawing the US troops from there. US troops does not belong there and we should leave them alone. US should not police the world we are not the UN.

  2. I admired Bush stern decision over Iraq but I love change so I rooted for Obama...let's wait for the great's too soon to tell. There's the transition yet of power and it may take awhile before we see changes.


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