Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Blind leading the blind...

As a mother of young teens, I am in favor of treating the chidren on a one-on-one basis with regards to adult topics like love and relationships. I think I know more than anybody else around them so I might as well be open and willing and available for my children to tell everything about the birds and the bees. I am afraid that they might get some wrong ideas about everything so I make it a point that we do have some privy talks at home. At least I am the mother so I am very careful not to make them confused on some issues. My young son is right now in a young gf and bf relationship, if sometimes I'd notice something is not going on well or should I say a lover's quarrel, I got the inititive to talk to him privately so as not to indict him with his siblings...but to give pointers in a hush hush. It is equally important to listen also to our children. As part of their growing up I see to it to take time out to treat my children out for lunch or snacks or even dinner, that's the time where I can talk to them with confidence about their life as a pupil and as human beings...and I see to it that I take off my proverbial apron and laddle for being a mother. I treat them as friends to make table talks much easier and more comfy. And I should say that all nanays should improve their conversational skills. Children needs our guidance and moral support in order to be in constant communication over matters concerning the hearts. Who else will?

Mother knows best...

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