Monday, June 23, 2008

Sleepless night...

insomnia - abnormal wakefulness or inability to sleep. The condition may result from illness or physical discomfort, or it may be caused by stimulants such as coffee or drugs. However, frequently some psychological factor, such as worry or tension, is the cause. Mild insomnia may often be relieved by a soothing activity like reading or listening to soft music. Chronic or severe insomnia requires treatment of the underlying physical or psychological disorder.


For just a night or maybe two, I guess this is not insomnia. Been tossing and turning in bed and couldn't get a good night's sleep so I decided to browse the internet after some short reading of my new book by Nicholas Sparks entitled, Message in a Bottle , becoz nothing got into my head. I read news about Ces Drilon, then browsed some news at PEP about our local stars. Then watched Shakira and Beyonce's concerts and was amused to see a lot of belly dancing and hip rolling. Quite entertaining and very amusing how voluptuous woman do this without fuss. But Shakira is much better in hiprolling I guess. Too engrossed from browsing and a little bloghopping but the clock says it's already 337am...whoah I need to sleep now. It's quite alarming, everybody's na sleeping and am alone here wide awake...with my stomache rambling here...famished but I have no intention to eat at this strange hour. I need to sign out now and maybe ready to nod off as soon as my back touches my bed...I hope.

Lights off now...

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