Wednesday, February 6, 2008

All about love...

I was invited to play this contest by just merely answering some questions on her blogsite, Nocturnal Blogger's Introspect Many thanks to you... :D


1. Would you celebrate this coming Valentines or not?
*Of course I'll do celebrate that special day... :D
2. What do you like most about your partner?
*It's a great relationship inspite of some petty misunderstanding.
3. What do you think does your partner like most about you?
*My thoughtfulness and my loving ways...
4. How did you and your special someone meet?
*When my father died, I worked right away, in Kentucky Inn and Daichii Restaurant...we've met there.
5. What’s the most romantic thing your partner ever did for you?
*Can't tell...but it's worth remembering.
6. If you are single, what do you miss most about being in a relationship?
*Sweet dating...
7. And the final question, of course…. What is your definition of love? ;P
*Love is when you always want to be with him every minute of the day, make him happy, taking care of his needs and always want only but the best for him, then love is there. But in love there should always be a two-way lane as I always say, the give and take factor. If there is I wonder how love would go wrong.

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