Thursday, July 3, 2008

I love basketball...part 1

In my heydays, when we were still in high school we played basketball a lot. We did form a group, and if we got enough time, we would meet in one place and be playing with the opponent's team. I have had a group of mostly lesbian friends then...ooops I wasn't and was sure of my gender since then...tho' some were still you know, mistook that I really was so there were some feelers that came still. Anyway, talking about my favorite sport, which is basketball...this was invented in the US in 1891 at International YMCA Training School. Now, a century later the game is played and enjoyed throughout the world. It is competitive and the modern international rules may seem complex. However, in essence it it still very simple, it remains a team game in which the object is to score by throwing the ball into the opponents' basket.You can occupy any position on the playing court which is not occupied by an opponent and can shoot from any position. Any player can attempt to gain the ball once it is in play, so there is a maximum participation, with everyone constantly involved in the game. The fundamental skills of play _ catching, passing, dribbling, and shooting _ can be performed easilyby most beginners. However you can go on and develop these skills to very high degree and become top class player.
A game for everyone
It is played by both men and women. And it has been adapted for young children and for players in wheelchairs. Players under age 13 play mini basketball, using a basket at a lower height and a smaller ball. Among disabled players, wheelchair basketball has become very popular. It involves a few changes to the rules like, amendments to the dribbling rule, and limiting the distance over which players can move on the court without a stop.
Basketball clothing is quite simple, a short-sleeves or sleeveless vest or sando jerseyshorts and socks. As the game is very energetic, should be absorbent material rather than nylon, to absorb the perspiration. The vest carry a number to avoid confusion when the referee signal the value of a goal or the number of a player who is penalised. The number begins from 4-15.
Track suit
You will need extra clothing to keep you warm when sitting on the substitute' bench or when training and warming up for the game. A track suit is ideal, but you can make do with a sweater and long trousers if need be. Whatever you wear, avoid getting chilled or sitting around with sweat drying on you.
You will be constantly running here, stopping, starting again, jumping, landing and changing direction, so well-fitting footwear is very vital, as these are well-cushioned and have good non-slip soles. be continued

Source: Brian Coleman

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