Sunday, July 13, 2008

My indecisiveness...I hate!

Being resolute and determined is one of the most trait I've ever wanted to inject into my system. I always tend to give chance another try. I always tend to give reason for everything that's why I always tend to vacillate. Because maybe it is my heart that strongly overpower my every judgment. I always give reasons to why things have to happen. But in a way I think I've got a lot to muster to be able to achieve that kind of tough firmness in decision making at once. That, I wanted to quit but I couldn't be just a coward quitter...I wanted to hate, but I couldn't do much if there's still love inside...I wanted to love but just couldn't do so when I'm hurt...I wanted to leave but couldn't just leave in a jiff when there's still a lot of things to reconsider. But when no string's left to pull, it's about time when my firm decision is on top that nobody for sure can ever really sway it.

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