Saturday, September 27, 2008

Mental catharsis...

In our life we each find ourselves sometimes down in the valley and no matter how far we slide down...there'll be a time that we all wanted to climb up...if possibly even to the top. And with that troubles we are deep into, it is a matter of acceptance and to be able to learn from it. And the most important of all is never to keep that troubles to yourself. Go to your willing friend and pour it all out to her/him...choose the sympathetic one to begin with and tell all what worries you. This sort of mental catharsis can help you a lot. Explaining to another how you feel will help you obtain a perspective of yourself. Try to see yourself from the outside so you can see yourself objectively. You'll be able to see how you are exaggerating your misfortunes.It is not what you think of it but what to do with it upon your reactions to it primarily. What is important is your point of view. Then it will be a great feeling when we know that after that dilemma we learned a lesson from it. Practicality and a lot of common sense made us feel comfortable, more tolerant, more forgiving and understanding a lot more and easier...and that proves that we all have improved...we should profit out of that experience instead...and that, has always been the hall-mark of a truly sensible and intelligent person one can be.

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